November 28, 2018


You will hear everlastingly, in all discussions about newspapers, companies, aristocracies, or party politics, this argument that the rich man cannot be bribed. The fact is, of course, that the rich man is bribed; he has been bribed already. That is why he is a rich man.

G.K. Chesterton

November 26, 2018

How It Is Done

What you see is what you get.

November 06, 2018

The People's House Gets A Makeover

The terms of offices enumerated in the United States Constitution are two years, four years, six years, and life. Two year terms for the House, four for the Presidency, six for the Senate and life for the Federal Court.

In conjunction with one another, the States of the United States hold Presidential elections every four years, and at the same time, conduct elections to the House of Representatives, with each state allowed to elect its given portion of that 435 person body based on some recondite methodology which takes longer to understand than to dismiss once understood.

Each term of an elected Representative lasts exactly half as long as that of the President they've accompanied into office. Obviously in the middle of the President's term of office there will be another spate of elections in each state to fill the House with Representatives once again.

This year has given us such elections.

November 02, 2018

Recently Departed

Now, it may be that the New England branch of the Mafia, such as it is, figures somehow in the events culminating in the death of Whitey, that is to say, Jimmy, Bulger in federal custody in West Virginia this past week.

He destroyed a few of them figuratively and literally when he confided what he knew to the FBI, before he disappeared into decades of self-imposed witness protection, but not before he used the license granted him by his FBI connections to engage in horrific acts of murder and sundry other criminal deeds.

If no one wonders too loudly or for too long why Bulger was being transferred from his previous prison to the site of his execution West Virginia, or wonders whose brilliant idea it was and whose authority was used to set the whole thing in motion, then, well, then the whole episode will fade into the half-remembered background and eventually be forgotten. He was a bad man and came to a hard end, didn't he?