November 06, 2018

The People's House Gets A Makeover

The terms of offices enumerated in the United States Constitution are two years, four years, six years, and life. Two year terms for the House, four for the Presidency, six for the Senate and life for the Federal Court.

In conjunction with one another, the States of the United States hold Presidential elections every four years, and at the same time, conduct elections to the House of Representatives, with each state allowed to elect its given portion of that 435 person body based on some recondite methodology which takes longer to understand than to dismiss once understood.

Each term of an elected Representative lasts exactly half as long as that of the President they've accompanied into office. Obviously in the middle of the President's term of office there will be another spate of elections in each state to fill the House with Representatives once again.

This year has given us such elections.

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